Please do a future version of yourself a favor and don’t skim them:
1) For starters, there will never be a better time to “fully commit” to this.
I know you may think otherwise, because there’s a lot on your plate right now. Or that it doesn’t make sense to apply for coaching until you can go “all in.”
But that just reinforces the all-or-nothing mindset that has kept you stuck.
The truth is, you won’t see lasting progress until you learn how to navigate real life.
Take it from Tina, who had every reason to wait for a “good time” to “fully commit” while juggling academic, professional, and family obligations:

Tina lost 100 pounds during a seemingly “bad time” to prioritize weight loss
Not to mention, there’s an enormous “cost of doing nothing.”
Every day you don’t begin this process, is a day that bad habits can get reinforced, and the mountain you’ll eventually have to climb gets unnecessarily big.
2) The program investment starts at $90 per week.
I’m completely transparent about this because I personally hate jumping through hoops to find out if an investment is within reach.
But notice I’m saying “investment” — not expense. My most successful clients these benefits far exceed the weekly investment:
- No longer having to overthink or agonize over what the best approach to sustainable weight loss really is
- Having someone to push you when you’re NOT feeling motivated (100% inevitable over time)
- A program that emphasizes your mental health as much as your physical — as well as your long-term success
- Unconditional permission to splurge to and enjoy your life
- NOT having to tackle an isolating and often-frustrating journey alone
Which is why they simply eat out or drink a little less often, and render this investment a non-factor in their budget. After all, the average night out, or even night in (after delivery costs and fees), can be upwards of $50-$100+ (often more).
Do this even slightly less often, and not only will the program be well within reach — but you’ll have a much easier time making progress.
3) Continuing to try this on your own will probably produce the same result it always has.
Let’s not beat around the bush:
You’re not here because things are going super well on your own. You’re here because you’ve been struggling to be consistent.
But for some strange reason, people change nothing about this — and expect the outcome to change. Typically saying something like:
“I know what I need to do on my own! I just need to get myself to do it.”
Genuine question: how has this been working for you?
Most people don’t realize that knowledge alone is limited in value if you don’t have systems in place to ensure you consistently implement that knowledge.
Marissa, a lifelong athlete who’s very well-versed in health and fitness, knew this. That’s why, despite “knowing what to do on her own,” she invested in daily support, guidance, and accountability:

Knowledge + support, guidance, and accountability = results like these
4) Macronutrient targets and recipe ideas aren’t the missing link.
They’re valuable to a degree, sure.
That’s why I give every client custom nutrient targets, food and recipe ideas, supplement recommendations, and every tool and resource they could possibly need.
But what you REALLY need is to learn how to handle these situations:
- Your tendency to self-sabotage every time you’re already “off track”
- Spontaneous weekend fun with family and friends
- NOT turning to food and drinks every time you’re stressed
- Date nights with your partner
- Vacations and work travel
- The inevitable dip in motivation after a few weeks on a new plan
In other words, the real world stuff: the stuff that makes it damn hard to be consistent with what you already know.
That’s why this program revolves so heavily around ongoing conversations and collaboration: so you know exactly how to ebb and flow with life’s curveballs.
No macro recommendation or grocery list can teach you that.
5) You can’t undo years of habits in a fraction of time.
I’m well aware this sends people straight into the arms of 21-day “fixes,” six week “challenges,” or other programs that promise faster results.
But frankly, programs like these leave you worse off, and stuck in the yo-yo cycle you’re supposedly interested in breaking out of.
That’s why I don’t work with anybody for fewer than six months: an absolute drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.
Most clients actually work with me for over a year: still only ~1.3% of your lifetime.
This gives us the runway to not only see short-term success, but to develop the skills and habits that allow you to maintain this success for a lifetime.
Take it from my very own mother, who lost 70+ pounds a few years ago and has kept it off since:
Or Jon, who chipped away at this transformation over a couple year period:

He’s still crushing it to this day
6) You have to be open to going at this in a new way — a way that’s likely out of your comfort zone.
For example, I never throw clients headfirst into diets without preparing them first.
I also don’t want my clients being overly strict for the sake of manipulating the scale. Very few clients aren’t surprised with how many calories they get to eat. Every client is expected to take to the occasional diet break to ward off burnout and practice maintaining.
Etc., etc.
Again, much of this is out of people’s comfort zones. But as I keep mentioning… nothing changes if nothing changes.
So if you’re remotely serious about breaking out of the yo-yo cycle: you’ll have to come into this with an open mind.
7) Finally, we won’t be a good fit if you skimmed this page.
This may sound harsh, but I rarely see exceptions.
If you aren’t willing to read just 6-7 things about what’s expected of you, and what the program involves: it’s unlikely you’ll give me your full attention and effort during check-ins: the single most important part of the coaching experience.
This is where the education happens. Where the collaboration happens. Where the breakthroughs happen.
Unfortunately, you’ll rid yourself of the opportunity to experience these moments if you’re already glossing over program expectations and logistics.
If you ARE an exception, and you’re open to:
- Learning how to make changes when it’s least convenient to
- Investing in a permanent solution to your ongoing struggles
- Collaborating with me on the best approach for YOU and your priorities
- Fundamentally changing your identity and lifestyle (for good)
- Trying new approaches you may find daunting
- Giving me your FULL effort — no matter what that looks like — every week
Then you’re in a unique position to radically transform your life, like these clients have:
There’s just one more step before we get this party started: a complimentary phone consultation.
Unsurprisingly, I’m not the kind of coach you can sign up with before chatting with me. I want to be 100% sure we’re a good fit before moving forward.
So fill out an application here and let me know how I can help:
After I review it, I’ll shoot you an email to set up the call.
Then, assuming we’re a good fit: we’ll waste no time breaking you out of the yo-yo cycle once and for all.