Please do a future version of you a favor and don’t skim them:

1) For starters, there will never be a “good time” to “fully commit” to this.

I know you may think otherwise — especially if you’re traveling, in the process of selling your home, or beginning a new career — but it’s overwhelmingly untrue.

You will ALWAYS be stressed, busy, and overwhelmed to some degree, and not learning how to make progress in spite of this is a huge mistake.

Take it from Tina, who had every reason to wait for a “good time” to “fully commit” while juggling academic, professional, and family obligations:

Not to mention, there’s a high “cost of doing nothing.”

Every day you don’t begin this process, is a day that bad habits get reinforced, and the mountain you’ll have to eventually climb gets unnecessarily big.

2) The minimum program investment is $90 per week.

I don’t shy away from sharing this, because I personally hate having to jump through hoops to find out if I can afford something.

But notice I said investment, not “cost.” My most successful clients know these benefits are far more valuable than the $90 per week rate:

  • No longer having to agonize over what the “best” approach to sustainable weight loss really is
  • Having someone to push you when you’re NOT feeling motivated (which is inevitable over time)
  • A program that emphasizes your mental health as much as your physical — as well as your long-term success
  • Unconditional permission to splurge to and enjoy your life
  • NOT having to tackle an isolating and intimidating journey alone

Which is why they simply choose to eat out or drink a little less often, and render this investment a non-factor in their budget. After all, the average night out, or even a night in (after delivery costs and fees), can be upwards of $40-$60+.

Do this a little less often, and not only will the program become an option for you, but you’ll have a much easier time making progress.

3) Continuing to try this on your own will produce the same result it always has.

Frankly, you’re not here because you’re thriving. You’re here because trying this on your own hasn’t been working very well. But for some strange reason, nutrition is the one area people don’t consider hiring a professional a no-brainer.

Think about it:

We take our car to the mechanic when the exhaust leaks. We go to the dentist when we need a root canal. We hire contractors when we build a house.

But when it comes to our single most important asset (our health and wellbeing), we decide Google and Instagram are viable solutions.

Naturally, much of this is rooted in wanting to save money. But much like trying to fix your own car, teeth, or home, this ultimately costs more money (over the long haul) when your DIY “solutions” don’t work.

That’s why Marissa, a highly knowledgeable lifelong athlete and fitness enthusiast, decided to invest in coaching and leave the X’s and O’s to me:

4) Macronutrient and meal recommendations aren’t overly valuable.

Or at least not as valuable as you think.

Because it doesn’t matter how perfect your plan is if you don’t learn how to navigate the real-world obstacles that have been holding you back for years, like the:

  • Social pressure to splurge every time you’re out with friends and family
  • Urge to eat everything in sight after a long and stressful day
  • Inevitable dip in motivation after a few weeks on a new plan
  • Usual weekend hurdles (meals out and alcohol)

This isn’t to say you won’t get a damn good plan.

Every one of my clients gets personalized nutritional targets, grocery lists, and a crystal clear road map to success. But the real magic happens when they learn how to handle “off plan” situations.

5) This entire process will take longer than you think, and you’ll have to make some permanent changes to your lifestyle.

I’m well aware this sends most people straight into the arms of cleanses, “resets,” and 30 day challenges. All of which promise you much faster results and an easier path success.

But frankly, each of these will leave you worse than they found you, and stuck in the yo-yo cycle you’re supposedly interested in breaking out of.

Which is why I don’t beat around the bush: I don’t work with anyone for fewer than six months. In most cases, my clients actually work with me for over a year.

This gives us the runway to not only see short-term success, but to develop the skills that allow for this success to be maintained for a lifetime.

Take it from my very own mother, who lost 70+ pounds a few years ago and has kept it off since:

Or Jon, who chipped away at this transformation over a couple year period:

6) I’m going to ask you to do things that might make you a little uncomfortable.

For example, not diving headfirst into a diet without preparing for it, first.

Or not eliminating foods you’ve deemed as “bad” or “fattening.” Or splurging a little more often than you think you should. Or not aimlessly cutting your calories when the scale hasn’t budged for a whopping 10-14 days.

Clients who are receptive to these challenges, embrace discomfort, and collaborate with me on their struggles see major success (see for yourself right here).

If doesn’t sound like something you’d be willing to do, and you care more about short-term scale manipulation more than real, lasting changes, I’m probably not your guy.

7) Finally, we won’t be a good fit if you skimmed this page.

This may sound harsh, but I’ve seen it be true time and time again.

If you can’t take the time to read 800 words that might be the catalyst for the last diet you’ll ever do, it’s unlikely you’ll give me your full effort during check-ins: the single most important part of the coaching experience.

This is where the education happens. Where the collaboration happens. Where the breakthroughs happen.

Unfortunately, you’ll rid yourself of the opportunity to experience these moments if you’re already glossing over simple program logistics.

If you’re an exception, and you’re open to:

  • Learning how to make changes when it’s least convenient to
  • Investing in a permanent solution to your ongoing struggles
  • Collaborating with me on the best approach for YOU and your values
  • Fundamentally changing your identity and lifestyle (for good)
  • Trying new approaches you may find daunting
  • Giving me your FULL effort — no matter what that looks like — every week

Then you’re in a unique position to radically transform your life, like these clients have:

There’s only one more step before we get this party started: a complimentary consultation.

Unsurprisingly, I’m not the kind of coach you can sign up with before chatting with me. I want to be 100% certain I can help you before accepting you into the program.

All you have to do to set this up is fill out the application I’ve linked to here:

Begin My Transformation

After I review it, I’ll reach out to schedule a time to chat, or refer you to another coach or program that might be a better fit.

In either case, making sure your needs get met is my absolute top priority.